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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Trumbull AYSO Region 186

Registration FAQs

There are four sections to the Registration FAQs:
-General Registration FAQs
-AYSO's Age Guide
-How AYSO forms teams

General Registration FAQs:

I have some questions on your program, can you please call me?
Unfortunately, no.   We are a volunteer based program with over 1250 kids in Trumbull AYSO.   With only 12-15 volunteers that run the entire program, it would take us 2-3 hours each night for two months to have individual conversations with everyone.   That said, the answers to all of your questions on our program can be found on our very detailed FAQ pages! 

Who is eligbile to participate at Trumbull AYSO?

In order to participate at Trumbull AYSO, you must be a resident of Trumbull, CT.   The town of Trumbull has a 100% resident policy for youth recreational sports.   Additionally, due to lack of volunteer parent coaches and due to limited field space, Trumbull AYSO cannot accept players from other towns.

Is my child old enough? 

A child must turn 2 by the start of the Fall season to begin playing in the Fall; or must turn 3 by the start of the Spring season if starting in the Spring season only.

What types of programs does Trumbull AYSO Offer?
There are several different programs offered through Trumbull AYSO:

1) The AYSO Core Rec program - The core recreation program is AYSO's primary program, which is home to the majority of our players and spans from U3 - U15.

2) The AYSO EPIC program - The EPIC (Everyone Plays In our Community) program for developmentally disabled children and adults provides a safe, fun environment with training coaches, VIP Buddies, and volunteers who facilitate an enriching experience that the players and their families will cherish forever.  For more information, please visit our  EPIC FAQ.

3)  Trumbull Soccer Academy - Trumbull Soccer Academy offers players a higher-level opportunity to refine their skills in a more competitive environment ran by professional coaches from Tri-Town Soccer.   This is offered to U6, U7, and U8 age groups.   For more information, go to: Trumbull Soccer Academy.

How much does the program cost?
Costs vary by the program:
U4 - U14 Core Rec program: $200 per year.
Trumbull Tykes (U3): $150 per year.
EPIC program: $60 per year.
 Trumbull Soccer Academy: prices vary, for more information, go to: Trumbull Soccer Academy

The fee for playing with AYSO is annual.  If you register and pay $200 for the Fall season, then your player is automatically enrolled for the Spring season at no additional cost.  The annual fee covers many fixed costs including: player insurance, AYSO National fees, Town of Trumbull fees, and all other operational costs of running the program. Costs for uniforms, shin guards and other personal soccer equipment are not included with the program costs.

Who must register?
All players have to register every year.  All registrations are completed online.   Parents complete a registration form online at our website, e-sign the registration and submit it online. This registration contains a medical release section. In addition, parents are provided CDC concussion safety information.

All volunteers must also register and complete the Sterling background check.   There is no cost for volunteers.   

When is registration?
The open registration period starts mid-June and ends mid-August for the Fall season (if you register your child for the Fall season, you are also automatically registered for the Spring).  Open registration for the Spring season is January through the end of March.

Where are registrations announced?
Registrations are announced on the Trumbull AYSO website, on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Parents of currently registered players will also receive emails via the Trumbull AYSO system.

Is proof of my child’s age and residency needed? If so, what is required?
When registering your player, we ask that you confirm and verify that you have entered the correct date of birth and that you are a resident of Trumbull, CT by checking the appropriate boxes.  If a concern arises, Trumbull AYSO reserves the right to request the necessary documents to confirm proof of age (requires a copy of a birth certificate) and/or proof of residency (requires a copy of a recent utility bill or similar). Both can be scanned and uploaded along with the registration form. After confirming, the AYSO registrar deletes this information from our system.

Please note: The town of Trumbull has a 100% resident policy for youth recreational sports.   Any player registered that is a non-resident of Trumbull, CT or falsifies their address will not be allowed to play and will not receive a refund.   

Is AYSO’s data private?
Yes. Data from the registration process is only used internally. The AYSO database cannot be used in any public manner under AYSO national regulations.

I've enrolled my child, but have decided not to play this year.   Can you move my enrollment fees to next year?
No.   Fees cannot be moved from one year to the next year.   If you would like to request a refund, please see our Refund FAQ page.

I've enrolled my child, but have decided not to play this year.   Can you move my enrollment fees to another family member or friend?
No.   Fees cannot be moved from one player to another player.   If you would like to request a refund, please see our Refund FAQ page.

I've missed the open registration.   What do I do?
Due to lack of volunteer coaches, we have registration cutoffs for each season.   That said, if you miss the open registration enrollment period, register your player on the waiting list and email us at [email protected] and we will make best efforts to place your player on a team!

I tried to register my player, but it states "Wait List Only".   What do I do?
You should consider coaching!
AYSO is a volunteer based program and we can only form teams if we have enough parents to volunteer to coach.   
We treat the wait list on a first-come/first-serve basis, so we recommend registering on the wait list as soon as possible.   Additionally, you are not charged the registration fee until your player is moved off of the wait list onto a team.

I've never coached in youth sports before.   I don't know the game of soccer.   I don't think I can coach.

Coaching as a parent at AYSO is easy and fun!   Your two main responsibilities are:
1) ensuring that the kids are playing safely
2) ensuring balanced/equal playing time

Additionally, we have professional coaches from Tri-Town Soccer Academy at Kaechele Field every Saturday to help run sessions and they are available to answer any of your questions.

What are the requirements to be a volunteer parent coach?
1) you have to pass the Sterling background check
2) you must complete the Safe Sport training (Bill S. 534 signed into law by the U.S. Congress on Feb 14, 2018)
3) brief online trainings by AYSO (Safe Haven, Concussion Awareness, Coaching training)

All of the above-listed trainings can be accessed on our website and there are no costs involved.

AYSO's Age Guide:

Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Age Guide

Birth YearDivision
2022Trumbull Tykes*

* Children must turn 2 years old before 5/4/2025

AYSO follows US Soccer rules, where calendar year is used to determine the age group.   Players can play in their age group, or in an older age group based on skill level with approval from the Division Mangers and Regional Commissioner.   Players are not allowed to "play down" in a younger age group.

For more information, please go to:

FAQs on how AYSO forms teams:

How is a child’s age determined for soccer placement?
Age groupings are based on calendar birth year.

How are children grouped by age in Trumbull AYSO?
Children are grouped by single year from 4U through 8U. Then we have 2-year groupings for 9U/10U and a 4-year grouping for 11U/12U/13U/14U. These groupings allow for all children to play in town and not have to travel to other towns to play.

What are the team sizes and how many kids play on a field during games?
Children in U4 are placed in groups of approximately 8-12 to each trainer for professional level academy/jamboree style play.

The U5 and up groupings are as follows.

  • U5 and U6 = up to 6 players per team, and 3v3 play in games
  • U7 = up to 8 players per team, and 4v4 play
  • U8 = up to 10 players per team, and 5v5 play
  • U9/U10and U11/U12= up to 14 players per team, and 7v7 play (incl. goal keepers)
  • U13/U14/U15 = up to 22 players/team, and 9v9 play or 11v11 play (incl. goal keepers) depending on how many children register.
Please note:   If there are not enough volunteer parents to coach teams, that division may be a jamboree session with no set teams.   AYSO is a volunteer based organization and we depend on volunteer parents to run the program.

When will I find out which team my child will be on?
Parents will be notified via e-mail 1-2 weeks before the start of the season.


Can I request that my child be placed on a certain team?
No. One of the core values of AYSO is "Balanced Teams" and we use annual player ratings by coaches to place kids on teams, and assure that all teams are as fairly balanced as possible.   

Additionally, with over 1250 players in our program, it is impossible for us to take requests from parents for their players to be grouped with friends on specific teams.

We do place the children of a head coaches and one assistant coach on that coach’s team. In addition, siblings may play on the same team if age appropriate to do so.

Can siblings play on the same team?
Yes. As long as the children are in the same age division, parents can request that they be placed on the same team.

Can my child “play up” on an older team if his/her ability appears to be appropriate?
Yes, but approval from both Division Managers is required. The Division Managers discuss the child’s skills and maturity with his/her coach and then determine if the child is ready to be moved to an older division. The Regional Commissioner then needs to provide final approval the change. 

Can my child “play down” on a younger team?
No.  It is an insurance and liability issue if AYSO allows a player to play in a younger age group.   AYSO follows US Soccer rules, where calendar year is used to determine the age group.  The only exception this this rule is if a player has a medical exemption with provided documentation.
For more information, please go to:


-These are just kids
-Soccer is just a game
-The coaches are volunteers
-The referees are human
-College scholarships will not be handed out at AYSO games.

Before you complain, please think, have YOU volunteered yet?




AYSO reserves the right to change or modify the FAQ's.

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Contact Us

Trumbull AYSO

Kaechele Field (by Madison Middle School), 4654 Madison Ave
Trumbull, Connecticut 06611

Email Us: [email protected]
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